For the Love of Soccer
Did you know that soccer, or football, is a game that is played throughout the world? It is undeniably the most popular sport no matter where you are located. It is a team sport and it is played by using any part of your body, expect your hands, to move the ball from one side of the field to the other. People of all ages can play it and virtually anyone can be good at it; even a child who may be behind the growth curve or has special needs can play this team sport.
Health Benefits of Soccer
Some of the biggest health benefits associated with soccer include, cardiovascular health, muscle tone, flexibility and strength, endurance, and lowers your overall body fat. It is, in essence, an aerobic activity that works your entire body at one time, but the benefits do not stop there. It can also improve your coordination, concentration, and self-discipline, which is why most people say that it is an excellent game for kids to play. Especially if you consider that most all kids love kicking a ball, doing tricks, and showing off their “skills” to those who they feel may be impressed by them. It gives them a way to kick, learn, and socialize as a group of as many people as 11 per team, which is the typical number of teammates playing on the field at one time on a professional level.
Mental Benefits of Playing Soccer
The most important thing for people to have, whether young or old, is self-confidence. By attempting to learn how to play soccer, kids and more can gain this one thing. It is a sport that is very easy to learn, and it does not require a lot of special gear or equipment. Therefore, kids who may feel that they are unable to do anything, will feel as though they have climbed a mountain when they pick up the rules of the game with ease. This game is also adaptable, which means that a group of children in the neighborhood can get together in the back yard to play it. Adults who are in the park can also group up for a game if they want to. It is a fun game, that allows you to meet new people, stay active, and make new friends while you are doing it. What could possibly be better than that?